Best MBA College in Nagpur

Institute Code: MB4109

Admission Enquiry

Direct-II Year MBA Enquiry

Faculty Directory

Dr. Nihar S. Dahake

Assistant Professor

Name Dr. Nihar S. Dahake
Gender Male
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification UG BCCA || PG M.Com. M.B.A., M.Phil., SET (Comm. & Mgt.)
Date of Joining 14/08/2023

Mobile 9764936678/9834552628

Plot No.12, Rajendra Nagar, KDK College Road, Nandanwan Nagpur-440024


B.C.C.A., M. Com., MBA, M.Phil. PhD, SET (Comm. & Mngt.)
  1. “An impact 0f E-bank services on purchasing behavior of Nagpur customers” International Journal of Management Solutions For Socio-Economic Challenges Organized by Tirpude Institute of Management Education (TIME), Nagpur
  2. Electronic commerce and impact of changing pattern: business review with special reference to Indian context” international conference on emanations in modern engineering science and management ICEMESM 17 organized by Smt. RadhikataiPandavCollege Of Engineering And Management
  3. “Health and Hygiene promotion by Advertisement is a source to make consumer more health paranoid” international journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, volume-8 issue-4, November 2019 in SCOPUS
  4. “social media marketing: An Avenue to influence customer purchase intensions” INFOKARA RESEARCH, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 5 MAY-2020.
  5. “Non-Banking Financial Corporations a Stimulating Factor For Impulsive Buying of Electronics Goods: a Case of Nagpur District “ International Multidisciplinary conference on Artificial intelligence (IMCAI-2022) organized by Inspira Research Association-IRA, Jaipur, Rajasthan. On 30th and 1st Oct. 2022.
  1. “An impact 0f E-bank services on purchasing behavior of Nagpur customers” International Journal of Management Solutions For Socio-Economic Challenges Organized by Tirpude Institute of Management Education (TIME), Nagpur
  2. Electronic commerce and impact of changing pattern: business review with special reference to Indian context” international conference on emanations in modern engineering science and management ICEMESM 17 organized by Smt. RadhikataiPandavCollege Of Engineering And Management
  3. “Health and Hygiene promotion by Advertisement is a source to make consumer more health paranoid” international journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, volume-8 issue-4, November 2019 in SCOPUS
  4. “social media marketing: An Avenue to influence customer purchase intensions” INFOKARA RESEARCH, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 5 MAY-2020.
  5. “Non-Banking Financial Corporations a Stimulating Factor For Impulsive Buying of Electronics Goods: a Case of Nagpur District “ International Multidisciplinary conference on Artificial intelligence (IMCAI-2022) organized by Inspira Research Association-IRA, Jaipur, Rajasthan. On 30th and 1st Oct. 2022.
Best MBA College in Nagpur