Best MBA College in Nagpur

Institute Code: MB4109

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Faculty Directory

Dr. Vinod Nandkishor Waiker

Associate Professor

Name Dr. Vinod Nandkishor Waiker
Gender Male
Designation COE & Associate Professor
Qualification MBA, B.E.
Date of Joining 17/08/2009

Courses Taught

  • Quantitive Techniques
  • Research Methodology
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Total Quality Management
  • Domestic Logistics
  • Production and Operation Management
  • Inventory Management
  • IT(MS-Office)
Address DMIMS, Atrey Layout
Country INDIA
Email Address
Contact Number 8390316999
No. Degree/Diploma Institute/ Organization Year Branch/Specialization
1 MBA  (Master of Business Adminnistration ) Finance and IT 2001 IIITM-Gwalior
2 B.E.  (Bachelor of Engineering ) Computer Science & Engineering 1998 SATI-Vidisha


Vinod Waiker, Analysis of VAS in Banking Sector, in PIMR, Fifth International Conference at PIMR, Indore on 30-31 January, 2021.

Vinod Waiker, VAS implementation GAP in Banking Sector and its Implication, An International Conference on digital economy, Indian Institute of Management Raipur on 8-9 Feb 2019

Vinod Waiker, VAS implementation GAP in Banking Sector and its Implication,  An international conference on ‘Global Trends in Business and Sustainability Research’ at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, New Delhi on 02-04th  Dec 2016.

Vinod Waiker, Rahul Mohare, Analytics on IT Enabled VAS in Bank: A customer perspective, An international conference on ‘Research and Business Sustainability’ at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee on 04-06th Dec 2015

Vinod Waiker, Social Collaboration-Mobile Computing, An International Conference on Gramin Samriddhi: Growth driver for sustainable development in association with United Nations Academic Impact(UNAI) on 05th Apr. 2014 at CIBMRD Nagpur

Waiker V. & Dr. Rahul Mohare, National conference on Indigenous Management practices with reference to financial implication at DMIETR, Wardha on 04th Apr. 2014

Vinod Waiker, Learning Through Social Media: A review, UGC Sponsored National conference on Social commerce: Emerging trends and issues at Dr. Ambedkar College on 25th Jan. 2014

Waiker V., Role of IT Enabled Services for Sustainable Development, National Level conference on Service Sector at LRT College, Akola on 27th Jan.2014, ISBN: 978-93-82588-25-2

Waiker V. & MM Wankhede, Impact of commerce education on inclusive growth and sustainability in Indian Scenerio, All India Commerce Conference, Bangalore University from 05th-07th Dec. 2013, Banglore.

Waiker V. & MM Wankhede, 24th Annual Conference on Regional Imbalance in Maharashtra: Causes, Issue and challenges held at Dhanwate National College, Nagpur from 15-16 Feb. 2013

Waiker V. “Survey of Role of Fees and Its Impact of students’ expectations and level of Satisfaction in Nagpur City MBA Colleges”, Conference at MIT COE-2012, Pune.

Waiker V., Tiwari H., “Study and Analysis of Indian Capital Market”, Emerging Trends for Value creation in the era of Knowledge Economy-2012, ISBN 978-93-81432-12-9.


Vinod Waiker, Sarwar Alan, Abhishek Joshi, Implementation of The Smart Industry Competences In Indian Industry, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, ISSN 2515-8260, Vol.8, Issue-01, 2021, Scopus

Vinod Waiker, Ranjit Ambad, Abhishek Joshi, Vijay Khandal,  An Observance of Household Food Remains Comportment,  International Journal of Current Research and Review, Vol. 12, Issue 18, Sep 2020,  Scopus, Impact Factor: 6.1

Dr. Vinod Waiker, Mr. Sandeep Targude, Mr. Bhushan Sawant, “Managing Supply of food chain in the City”, Journal of Engineering Science, Vol.10, Issue 12, Dec 2019, Impact Factor: 6.54

Dr. Vinod Waiker, Behaviors that built a company, performance appraisal issues and Challenges: A study, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), February 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2, Impact Factor: 5.87

Dr. Vinod Waiker, Mr. Virendra Pal, Mr. Ankit Gawande, Organization learning by analyzing Manufacturing losses- A case study, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),e-ISSN: 2395-0056, Volume: 05 Issue: 09,Sep 2018, Impact Factor :7.34

Dr. Vinod Waiker, Ms. Rucha Lohi, Study and Analyse the Stress and Anxiety of Post Graduate Students, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 2, February 2018, Impact Factor:7.089

Vinod Waiker, Sarwar Alam Ansari, Ankit Gawande, Study the digitization of services and adoption after demonetization in India, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 5 Issue XII December 2017, ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887

Vinod Waiker, Prerna Kalode,  Study the Payment preferences of bank customer in India just before and after Demonetization, International Journal in Management and Social Science, Vol. 05, Issue 04, April 2017, ISSN 2321-1784

Vinod Waiker, Pallavi Dongre, Rucha Lohi, Mobile Apps: Next revolution in Business Economy, International Journal in Management and Social Science,  Vol. 04, Issue-03, March 2016, ISSN 2321-1784

Vinod Waiker, S. Subramaniam, MM Wankhede, Study the effect of age on adoption level of IT Enabled VAS in public and private sector bank, ASIAN Journal of Management Research, Vol 5, Issue 4, 2015, ISSN 2229-3795

Vinod Waiker, Krunal Parekh, Syed Nooruddin, Profitability Analysis of selected BSE companies in India based on their margin on sales, Acme International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol-II, Issue-II, March 2014, ISSN 2320-236X

Vinod Waiker & Rahul Mohare, Effectiveness of Social Media Branding and its impact on companies sales performance, Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol 4, Issue 2, February2014,  ISSN 2231-5780

Vinod Waiker Rahul Mohare, Impact of WIFI enabled campus on collaborative e-Learning of students, Excel International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management studies, ISSN2249 8834, Vol3(5) May (2013).

Vinod Waiker, Survey of role of fees and its impact of student’s expectation and level of satisfaction in Nagpur city MBA Colleges, International Journal of engineering, science and research, ISSN: 2231-5535.

No. Training attended Information Month Year
1 Importance of Statistics & Design of Experiments in Engineering, One week workshop at VNIT Nagpur JAN 2016
2 International Conference on Research & Business Sustainability, IIT-Roorkee & Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University,UK DEC 2015
3 Vinod Waiker, Social Collaboration-Mobile Computing, An International Conference on Gramin Samriddhi: Grwoth driver for sustainable development in association with United Nations Academic Impact(UNAI) on 05th Apr. 2014 APRIL 2014
4 Waiker V. & Dr. Rahul Mohare, National conference on Indigenous Management practices with reference to financial implication at DMIETR, Wardha on 04th Apr. 2014 APRIL 2014
5 Vinod Waiker, Learning Through Social Media: A review, UGC Sponsored National conference on Social commerce: Emerging trends and issues at Dr. Ambedkar College on 25th Jan. 2014 JAN 2014
6 Waiker V., Role of IT Enabled Services for Sustainable Development, National Level conference on Service Sector at LRT College, Akola on 27th Jan.2014, ISBN: 978-93-82588-25-2 JAN 2014
7 Waiker V. & MM Wankhede, Impact of commerce education on inclusive growth and sustainability in Indian Scenerio, All India Commerce Conference, Bangalore University from 05th-07th Dec. 2013, Banglore DEC 2013
8 Waiker V. & MM Wankhede, 24th Annual Conference on Regional Imbalance in Maharashtra: Causes, Issue and challenges held at Dhanwate National College, Nagpur from 15-16 Feb. 2013 FEB 2013
9 Waiker V. “Survey of Role of Fees and Its Impact of students’ expectations and level of Satisfaction in Nagpur City MBA Colleges”, Conference at MIT COE-2012, Pune JUN 2012
No. Training Conducted Information Month Year
1 MDI, Behavioural Science at WCL Nagpur JULY 2015
2 Skill, Aptitude for Youth (SAY) initiated for skill enhancement courses OCT 2014
3 Skill, Aptitude for Youth (SAY) initiated for skill enhancement courses MAR 2013
4 Conducted workshop on “IT Based streamline in MSME” with MSME, Nagpur chapter, GOI JUN 2012
  • Waiker V., Tiwari H., “Study and Analysis of Indian Capital Market”, Emerging Trends for Value creation in the era of Knowledge Economy-2012, ISBN 978-93-81432-12-9.
  • Waiker V., “Collaborative Information Management: A Challenge in Today’s world”, Collaborative Competition and Other readings, Himalaya Publishing 2010, ISBN 978-81-8488-690-0, Pg No.86-90.
ROC Number Work Title Class of Work Submitted On Status
L-96181/2020 TQM-Customer Satisfaction Literary/ Dramatic 08/09/2020 Registered
L-96575/2020 TQM-Basics Literary/ Dramatic 08/09/2020 Registered
L-96860/2020 TQM BASICS Literary/ Dramatic 13/08/2020 Registered
L-86890/2019 PPT on concepts of business research Literary/ Dramatic 12/09/2019 Registered
L-87107/2019 PPT on Introduction of Research Methodology Literary/ Dramatic 12/09/2019 Registered
L-78534/2018 PPT on IT enabled VAS in Banks Literary/ Dramatic 15/09/2018 Registered
L-78674/2018 PPT for Dispersion Literary/ Dramatic 15/09/2018 Registered
A-119986/2017 PPT Templete Artistic 22/04/2017 Registered
Best MBA College in Nagpur