Best MBA College in Nagpur

Institute Code: MB4109

Admission Enquiry

Direct-II Year MBA Enquiry

Research Guideline

Admission Guideline

The Research Centre admission criteria shall be governed by Direction 32 of 2019 issued by the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur university Nagpur and other directions issued by the university from time to time. The direction is regarding eligibility criteria and procedure for registration of candidates.

Post Admission Activities

  • After approval of registration by the RTM Nagpur university, the candidate shall be referred as a scholar registered for Ph.D. with the RTM Nagpur        university with place of research as Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur
  • All applicants are advised to visit the University website regularly and any discrepancy pointed out by the university regarding registration shall be addressed by the applicant within stipulated time.
  • The applicant shall be governed by the Rules, Statutes, Directions and Guidelines issued by the RTM Nagpur university from time to time and directives of the college.
  • It will be mandatory for the scholar to put his affiliation as “Research Scholar, Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur in all publications based on research to be carried out with DMIMS as research center. Before submitting any paper to conference or journal, the supervisor shall ensure that the plagiarism check is done. All registered scholars are required to publish two research papers per year in SCOPUS Indexed journals and conferences of Repute.
  • The scholar will be required to deliver progress seminar every six months. The recommendations of the Research Advisory committee (RAC) shall be considered in submitting the progress report to RTM Nagpur University.
  • Presence of Guide shall be mandatory in the progress seminars, in absence of any one of them, the scholar shall not be permitted to deliver progress seminar.
  • The scholar shall submit six monthly progress reports in the prescribed format at least 10 days prior to progress seminar. Submission of University progress reports will be the responsibility of the scholar.
  • If the scholar remains absent in three consecutive seminars, the progress is very unsatisfactory, non-submission of progress reports and not abiding by the directives of college and directions issued by the university actions will be recommended against such scholars which may even lead to cancellation of registration.
  • Applicant shall pay semester fees prescribed by the college in the form of demand draft in favor of the “Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur”, the fees should be paid in the months of March and September every year during research period. For non-submission of fees in-time fine shall be imposed.
  • The applicant shall be permitted to use relevant research facilities available in the college and library facilities.
    • List of available guides, vacancies under them and respective areas of research shall be notified on the college website
    • Eligible candidates will be required to appear personally for discussions with the Head research cell. The research cell shall allocate supervisors to deserving candidates based upon availability of seats, area of research proposed and expertise of supervisors available.
    • Selected candidates shall finalize synopsis in consultation with the supervisor allotted.
    • The candidate is required to deliver a pre-registration seminar before the Research Advisory committee (RAC) for the purpose to evaluate the     suitability of the topic to pursue research in the proposed area. Date of such pre-registration seminar shall be notified on institute notice board.
    • On approval by the Research Advisory committee (RAC), the candidate shall be permitted to complete formalities.
    • If the RAC recommends corrections / modifications, the candidate shall make corrections / modifications suggested by the RAC. The candidate shall discuss these modifications with RAC members. After approval of RAC, such candidate shall be permitted to complete other formalities.
    • Applicant shall submit following forms duly filled-in along with relevant enclosures to the respective authority.

 a)Copy of RTM Nagpur University Registration form shall be submitted with the research cell.

Action Plan for Completion of Ph.D

Following Action Plan is Applicable to candidates Registered in February 2022.

Sr.No. Month Thesis Activity Chapters Task Activity Remark
1. Sep. 2022 Literature Review (chapter-1 & Chapter 2) Progressive Seminar -I Research paper in Scopus Payment of 2nd installment of year 2022-23.
2. Mar. 2023 Questionnaire finalization & Pilot study Literature Review-chapter-3 Progressive Seminar -II Research paper in Scopus Payment of 1st  installment of year 2023-24.
3. Sep. 2023 Data Collection Data Collection-chapter-4 Progressive Seminar -III Research paper in Scopus Payment of 2nd   installment of year 2023-24.
4. Mar.2024 Data Analysis Data Analysis-chapter-5 Progressive Seminar -IV Research paper in Scopus Payment of 1st  installment of year 2024-25.
5. Sep. 2024 Data Interpretation , Conclusion, Suggestions Data Interpretation , Conclusion, Suggestions, Future Research-Chapter Progressive Seminar -V Research paper in Scopus Payment of 2nd installment of year 2024-25.
6. Mar.2025 Report writing Report writing, Plagiarism check, Summary & Report Submission after the approval RAC committee in the Pre-Submission seminar Pre-Submission seminar Research paper in Scopus Payment of 1st  installment of year 2025-26.
Best MBA College in Nagpur