Best MBA College in Nagpur

Institute Code: MB4109

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Student Activity

Research Workshop

CONVENORDr. Shiney Chib
DATE11th Jan – 17th Jan 2016, DMIMS
DMIMS MBA College In Nagpur has organized one week, RTM NAGPUR UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATION COURSE Research Methodology & Data Analysis, from 11th-17th Jan.2016, under aegis of RTM Nagpur University approved, Center for Higher Learning and Research. The course covered the various spheres of research and included data analysis, with Ms-Excel and SPSS package. Resource persons included, Dr.Mangala Hirwade, Dr.Ashish Linge, Dr.Rekha Sharma, Dr.Shiney Chib and Dr.Rahul Mohre.

EVENT National Level RM Workshop in collaboration with IBM-SPSS, Bangalore
CONVENOR Dr. Shiney Chib
DATE 09th Dec – 12th Dec 2014, DMIMS
DMIMS, has organized 4 days National workshop in collaboration with IBM SPSS Bangalore on Multivariate Data Analysis & Structural Equation Modelling from 9th Dec. to 12th Dec, 2014. This program was organized under the aegis of Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University approved, Place of Learning Higher Research. The workshop was successful in imparting training to the participants in Advanced Data Analysis with SPSS and AMOS.

EVENT Research Methodology and Data Analysis
CONVENOR Dr. Shiney Chib & Dr. Rahul Mohare
DATE 04 Aug – 09 Aug 2014, DMIMS
The course covered the various spheres of research and included data analysis, with SPSS software. The course was attended by the faculty members and Research Scholars from the various streams like Management, Engineering, computer science, science and Humanities
EVENT Research Methodology and Data Analysis using MS Excel
CONVENOR Dr. Shiney Chib & Dr. Rahul Mohare
DATE 20 Jan-04 Feb 2014, DMIMS
Dr. Shiney Chib and Dr. Rahul Mohare conducted the RM workshop at DMIMS research centre approved by RTM Nagpur University. This certificate course of two week is certified by Jeevan Shikshan Abhiyan run by Department of continuing, Adult education and Extension in Collaboration with Place for Higher learning & Research RTM Nagpur University. The program offered in-depth study on Research methodology along with hands-on experience with analytical tool like Microsoft Excel

CONVENOR Dr. Shiney Chib
DATE 27-28 April 2013
FDP on Data Analysis With Spss was held from 27-28 April 2013.Prof. Prabhat Mittal, Astt. Professor, Satyawati College, University of Delhi and Associate, Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla, was the resource person. The session was very comprehensive and included problem identification and problem solving techniques through SPSS package.

Best MBA College in Nagpur