Teaching Pedagogies
Effective pedagogies involve a range of techniques, including whole-class and structured group work, guided learning and individual activity. Teaching Facility at DMIMS Nagpur is imparted through a balanced mix of teaching pedagogy. Faculty members strive to make the classes interactive so that students can correlate the theories with practical examples for better understanding.
Case Studies
- The teaching is supplemented by Case studies for every course to enhance the analytical and decision making abilities of the students.
Group activities
- Group activities are taken so that the students learn to work in teams with diverse behavioral traits.
Guest Lectures
- Guest lectures provide an insight of various issues which are in addition to the syllabus. Various experts in different domains are invited in the pre scheduled slot throughout the year. The students are benefitted with the experiences shared by the experts.
- Workshops are conducted for the students to understand the course more properly. Various workshops on topics such as Six Sigma, R-programming, Tableau, Business analytics are provided to the students.
Experiential Learning
- For some courses like Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurial development, the students are provided with Live projects to gain hands on experience of the various domains of the course.
Situation exercises and Role Plays
- Students are assigned certain roles in a given situation and they have to respond according to their characters. The process is usually repeated to make the students understand the various alternative actions and their repercussions.
Business Quiz/Exercises
- Periodic assessment of the learning provided is normally done through quiz and exercises, which can be oral, MCQ or short answer type.
- Topics related to the course are given in advance to the students, who then make the oral presentation with or without the help of audio-visual aids. The Q&A session at the end is held to resolve queries from the participants.
Brain storming
- Panel discussions or brain storming is done by giving a certain problem to the group of students and asking them to find the feasible solution. It helps in building team work, idea sharing and creative approach among the students.